Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Family Visit

Oh my, it has been eons since I last posted - guess we haven't done much that is really exciting over the winter - or things are getting to be routine over here already!!

We just returned from a 2-week visit to AZ in which we spent time with our family (Bob's side) celebrating our 40th and Bob's parents' 65th wedding anniversaries. At least that was the reason for the visit - we didn't really do any special celebrating - but instead spent quality time with his parents, brother and family, and our kids and grandkids. We did manage to get all 23 of us to EARLY church one Sunday and then out for a delicious breakfast.

We went to the Phoenix Zoo, Arizona Aquarium, Diamondbacks new spring training baseball facility, numerous parks,  and ate a lot!! We also spent 3 days/nights at the Legacy Resort in S. Phoenix where we had 4 condos all in the same building complex so we could run back and forth to each others' place and share meals, etc. We played on the playground, played tennis, swam, played a lot with balls (that's what 8 boys do, isn't it??!!), and 7 of us golfed - been about 3 years since Bob and I hit the links, and it showed most of the time!! We also celebrated granddaughter Lauren's 4th birthday and grandson Isaac's 7th birthday for 2 of the nights - 2 different themes and 2 cakes!!!

It is always fun to see the cousins playing and enjoying each other, and the adult kids spending time together. Now I understand why my parents loved it when all of their kids and grandkids were together! Thanks to David and Josh (the oldest grandkids) the 6 adults got to go out for an adult-only dinner the last night we were all together.

Us and Bob's parents

At the zoo

Cousins getting ready to sommersault

4 year old Lauren's birthday

Isaac is 7

Fun at the pool

Lots of fish at the aquarium

Bubble fun at the aquarium

Cousin Jason sharing his snow cone

Our view at the baseball game

The whole Flohrs family

Daughter Robin and her family

Son Ryan and his family

Bob's brother Bill and family

1/2 the table at breakfast

Us and our grandkids!!!

Us and our kids!!!

We hope you enjoy the pics - Bob got himself a new camera our first day in AZ and had a lot of fun taking LOTS of pictures!

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