Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our First Easter in Germany

Well, our first Easter in Germany was quite a bit different than our
past Easters - not saying better or worse, just different! Only one
service (instead of 3) for Bob; Rita only singing a couple songs with
choir, no handbells, but doing altar/communion duty, cooking a full
dinner myself (instead of family bringing most things), spending it with
2 little girls and their parents instead of 7 young boys and 4
generations of Flohrs. But the main thing was celebrating the Risen
Christ with our Germany family.

Pictures (in reverse order)show the sanctuary being used first for the buffet breakfast, then all the tables/benches were taken down and chairs set up for the worship service. The service started with the taking down of the black draping over the cross.

In Germany, Good Friday and Easter Monday are national holidays - stores and offices etc. closed, restaurants and gas stations the only thing open. So Monday we hopped on the underground train, took it to a new stop for us and then walked around for an hour or so. Got on a fast train to a destination we hadn't been to,walked around there for a couple of hours (sun/clouds, jacket open/jacket closed, hood up/hood down, gloves on/gloves off). Was a wonderful 4 1/2 hours of exploring new areas of Frankfurt! The first picture shows Rita and one of the beautiful blossoming trees in downtown Frankfurt. (I can't figure out how to get the pictures in the right order!!!)

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